Lake Corbara: an artificial basin in the Tiber River Park

Panoramic photo from above of Lake Corbara. In the centre of the picture, there is a part of the lake located within the Tiber River Park. All around, it is surrounded by low reliefs covered in vegetation. Scattered in the lower part of the picture, the roofs of some houses can be glimpsed among the woods.

Lake Corbara is an artificial basin built along the Tiber River in the early 1960s to provide hydroelectric power to the surrounding area and to irrigate fields. The lake takes its name from the village of Corbara, in the municipality of Orvieto, and it extends for about 13 sq km and is between 30 and 40 meters deep.

A lake surrounded by nature and historic buildings

Lake Corbara originates from a dam along the Tiber River of about 640 metres that allowed the river water to be partially channelled into penstocks that feed the hydroelectric power station of San Lorenzo di Baschi.
Before flowing into the lake, the waters of the Tiber flow between the ridges of Peglia and Croce di Serra Mountains, giving rise to the Forello Gorges, between Todi and Orvieto, one of the natural places that constitute the area of the Tiber River Park together with the lake itself.
From the lake, it is possible to admire several caves in the area, such as Grotta Bella or Grotte della Piana. Moreover, it is an area rich in historical buildings, such as the Eremo della Pasquarella, a monastery that belonged to the Camaldolese Confraternity of the Order of St Benedict in the 11th century, or the Franciscan Convent of Sant'Angelo di Pantanelli.

A protected site for wildlife

Lake Corbara is an important protection site for wildlife. The surrounding area is a natural habitat for many species of water birds such as the cormorant and heron. In addition, the area is also an important refuge for many animal species such as deer, wild boar and roe deer.

Lake Corbara is ideal for sports in nature lovers

An unspoilt landscape of green hills and mountains surrounds Lake Corbara, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and hikers. Walking along the marked trails around the lake, it is possible to enjoy panoramic views of the Umbrian countryside and the surrounding mountainous chains. Besides hiking, Lake Corbara is also a popular destination for sport fishing, being full of fish such as trout and carp.
Lake Corbara is a place that offers many opportunities for nature lovers, fishing and hiking. It is a destination to consider if you want to spend a day in the open air away from the city and relax on the small beach along the shores of the lake.

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