What to see in Umbria

History, art, and culture in Umbria

Umbria will charm and enthrall you with its sweet hills, its culture now thousands of years old, and food traditions. Here life has a slower, human-friendly pace. So, come and discover the history of Medieval towns, the natural foods, the green countryside.

Spoleto: vista aerea della città, con Rocca Albornoz in cima alla collina e Ponte delle Torri immersa nel verde sulla destra.


Already before arriving in Spoleto, you will meet two important monuments: the Bridge of Towers (Ponte delle torri) and the Albornoz Fortress (Rocca), that seem
Perugia: vista della piazza principale, Piazza IV Novembre. Sguardo rivolto verso corso Vannucci, con vista della Fontana Maggiore e della facciata di Palazzo dei Priori dietro di essa.


Perugia, the Regional County Seat of Umbria, is a town definitely worth discovering for the magnificence of its streets, squares, fountains, as well as the
Orvieto: vista aerea della città. La città si erge sulla Rupe di tufo ed è circondata dal verde delle campagne umbre.


A neat landscape and sweet, green hills provide the background to the wonderful town of Orvieto, rising on a tuff and pozzolana block some 50
Gubbio: vista aerea della città arroccata sulle verdi pendici del monte coperte di boschi. Spiccano Piazza Grande e il Palazzo dei Consoli.


To enter Gubbio and follow those very old, but still inhabited streets woven together on the slopes of Mount Ingino means to make a full
Città della Pieve: vista panoramica con campo di girasoli in basso, salendo verso un bosco dal quale si erge in lontananza Città della Pieve sormontata dal cielo azzurro.

Città della Pieve

When, about 1450, Pietro Vannucci was born here – the great painter who would be nicknamed “Perugino” in Florence – this inhabited place was not
Vista panoramica di Assisi e della Basilica di San Francesco dai campi sottostanti. Dal basso verso l’alto: campi di grano gialli, vegetazione e boschi verdi, Assisi in pietra bianca rosata, e cielo azzurro.


Assisi and its surroundings, embedded in the Umbrian countryside at the wooded foot of Mount Subasio, have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List

Points of interest

Umbria has numberless interesting sides: here Nature embraces and highlights Culture, while Food Tradition accompanies the whole history of this enchanted land. Umbria provides the ideal conditions for entering a universe where time slows down and the spirit soars, thrilled by the place's high points and crafts.

Experience Umbria together with its protagonists

Routes and experiences to discover for an immersion in Umbrian culture, nature and flavours